Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our Eyes are on Technology

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: What is a STaR Chart, and see results of Early Elem;


  1. Teresa your powerpoint is very informative. I like the meaningful information that you included. A person who is not familiar with STaR Chart would gain a great deal of knowledge.

  2. I think that your presentation was very well prepared in that you include information which clarifies why The STaR Chart assessment is taken each year. It is not surprisely that Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support is the strongest area according to the data. We all know that organizations with great leaders will thrive in any situation regardless of the obstacles that exist. Having a leader that is fair, open minded and willing to take risk will win over the staff and establish a relationship that is positive and rewarding. Your graph representation was excellent, well organized and easy to read and understand. Training is almost far most on any organizational list especially with technology because of the rapid changing fades and we are always playing catch up and need to be well versed in order to teach our students and prepare them to thrive in this global world of technological devices.
